Electronic Services of Technical Campus Libraries during Coronavirus pandemic- Announcement No. 6
Dear clients of technical campus libraries
We would like to inform that the services of the technical campus libraries are as follows from April, 10, 2021 until further notice:
1. Renewal of borrowed books is done electronically with the following instructions:
- Refer to https://lib1.ut.ac.ir:8443, log in with your central authentication details in the login section.
- In the profile section, click the link of the borrowed documents.
- In the opened window, click on the green tick in the Operations column for each book in hand to send an extension request.
- Confirm the opened page.
2. Settlement of all grades can be done only by sending the applicant request to the e-mail of Campus 2 Library at (englib2@ut.ac.ir) and Campus 1 Library at (englib@ut.ac.ir) with the following instructions:
- Graduate students should upload their dissertation files to google drive at https://www.google.com/drive and send its link to the library email.
- Graduate students should consider the following to submit a dissertation file:
The submitted dissertation must include 6 files with the following specifications:
- The full version of the dissertation in word format with a signed defense certificate and the postgraduate stamp and the faculty stamp
- Full version of the dissertation in pdf format
- A file containing the first 15 pages of the dissertation in word format (from the beginning to the end of the table of contents)
- The file containing the first 15 pages of the dissertation in pdf format (from the beginning to the end of the table of contents)
- Zipped file of the full dissertation in word format
- Zipped file of the first 15 pages of the dissertation in word format
Note: Students whose dissertation file is LATEX in addition to pdf files, only need to submit four pages of Persian and English titles and Persian and English abstracts in word format along with the LATEX file.
- To pay the fine of your books by referring to the bank in person, deposit the amount of the fine to the account number IR_830100004001070103006825 with the deposit ID from the place of the fine of student services 359070174140103000000001701068 in the name of concentrating special funds in the Central Bank.
3. In order to use electronic dissertations, the first 15 pages of the dissertation can be read by referring to the address https://lib1.ut.ac.ir:8443. Services related to receiving electronic files of dissertations can be done through the central library of the university at https://library.ut.ac.ir.
It is also possible to study dissertations for free from the digital library of the Central Library at: utdib.ut.ac.ir.
How to use: To connect to the university network (utvpn), refer to the Central Library website. This is only possible for reading dissertations. After searching and finding the dissertation titles, select the desired title and activate the preview. In the preview, instead of 20 pages, all pages can be browsed and read.
The fee is only received if you intend to download the dissertation.
4. All new announcements and services of the library will be informed through the campus library website at https://eng.ut.ac.ir/fa libraries section and telegram channel t.me/EngLib2.
5. Contact the library emails for guidance on accessing articles and e-books.
(englib2@ut.ac.ir) Campus 2 Technical Library
(englib@ut.ac.ir)) Campus 1 Technical Library
6. Students who need to borrow and return books, shall call 61119807 Campus 2 Library and 61112854 Campus 1 Library on Saturdays to Wednesdays from 8 am to 14:30 PM to make the necessary arrangements.
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